Nomi combines Marlene Dietrich's famous half-spoken English version "Falling in love again, never wanted to...." with the original German one (spoken) "Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt, Denn das ist meine Welt...' (literally: Head to toe, I"m ready for love, because that is my world) with an electronic clang, a boppy base and interestingly nuanced vocals, coloured lights, graphic sets and colourful, clean cut 80's costumes and make-up (WOW- to the electric bodysuits and the lady in them.. breathless wow again) which accentuate and draw attention to and away from the body in all the right ways. It's weird and wonderful and I'd have to say this is one of my favourite versions of the song, because although it may be less melodic, the combination of the visuals and the upbeat, out-of-tune experimental boppiness is definitely appealing to someone who is always searching for something interesting and perhaps slightly odd but beautiful.
It's surprising how much innuendo an ice-cream can have. I've never seen either portrayed so pornographically before.
If you want to hear Marlene Dietrich's original German version - you can find it after the jump
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